
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope on yahoo.com - July 31, 2010

This is the Sagittarius daily horoscope from yahoo.com


Surrounded by lots of masculine energy, you'll act much bolder and braver today.


Play little games to help get through the day -- whether you are at work or on the road, you can have loads of fun playing with words, objects and people. It's all in good fun, so go for it!

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope on msn.com - July 31, 2010

This is the Sagittarius daily horoscope from msn.com

It's OK to be wrong, Sagittarius. If you know you've made a mistake, feel free to admit it. Don't let your ego stand in the way of progress. Others won't want to deal with you if you insist that what you're doing is right all the time when perhaps it isn't. Your mind may be a bit more fragile on a day like this, so try to be more sensitive and receptive than usual.


Sagittarius Daily Horoscope on yahoo.com - July 30, 2010

This is the Sagittarius daily horoscope from yahoo.com


Take your cue from children today -- imagine what you want to be when you grow up.


It's time for you to stop thinking and start acting -- you've got plenty of material to work with. Your own life is a canvas, and you're an artist with a deep well of inspiration to draw from.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope on msn.com - July 30, 2010

This is the Sagittarius daily horoscope from msn.com

Get things out in the open today, Sagittarius. If someone seems to insult you, call them on it. Letting things fester inside only destroys your self-esteem. You'd also be in danger of losing the respect of others. This could very well be a situation in which everyone but you sees the truth. Try not to let this happen. Be bold and assertive, and don't let others pull the wool over your eyes.


Sagittarius Daily Horoscope on yahoo.com - July 29, 2010

This is the Sagittarius daily horoscope from yahoo.com


Thinking through every decision could result in paralysis. Take strong action today.


You're seeing almost everything as a symbol today, so take a second look and figure out what kind of story the universe is telling about you. It may be possible for you to shift things a bit in your favor.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope on msn.com - July 29, 2010

This is the Sagittarius daily horoscope from msn.com

Today is a very powerful day for you, Sagittarius. You may find yourself going to extremes in certain areas of your life, especially when it comes to your romantic nature. You could be pulled way over to one side and then to the other. At first you may give it your all and the next minute completely withdraw. Try to find a balance in this seesaw game.


Sagittarius Daily Horoscope on yahoo.com - July 28, 2010

This is the Sagittarius daily horoscope from yahoo.com


You'll be able to comprehend new ideas faster than others, so step up to lead today.


You're more in the mood to listen than to speak up now -- so make sure that you're surrounded by the right people. They've got plenty to say, and you might learn quite a lot by keeping your mouth shut.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope on msn.com - July 28, 2010

This is the Sagittarius daily horoscope from msn.com

An unexpected opportunity to take a short trip could present itself today, Sagittarius. Hop on that boat or train and see where it goes. If you have no real reason to travel, make one up. You don't need one anyway. The point is that it's time to get away from your current surroundings and explore other ways of living. If the time isn't right for you to get out and travel, at least make a plan now for a trip later.


Sagittarius Daily Horoscope on yahoo.com - July 27, 2010

This is the Sagittarius daily horoscope from yahoo.com


Today is a community-oriented day. Get involved with helping the people around you.


You often make a distinctive first impression, and today it's doubly positive. Make sure you're getting all the right introductions and getting to know all the people who can make a real difference.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope on msn.com - July 27, 2010

This is the Sagittarius daily horoscope from msn.com

You may experience a transformation in your thinking. It's bound to affect every aspect of your life, Sagittarius. By always questioning, you work through difficult issues that require a constant reshuffling of viewpoints. Feel free to open yourself up to new ways of thinking as you dismiss old ways that no longer serve you. Now is a terrific time to consider a fresh wave of thought. You'll be exposed to a new way of truth.


Sagittarius Daily Horoscope on yahoo.com - July 26, 2010

This is the Sagittarius daily horoscope from yahoo.com


You can see what needs to be done right now, so go ahead and do it. Why wait?


Your social skills are on fire today -- get out there and meet people! It's the best time to make new contacts and maybe to jump into a new relationship or career path, so be ready for anything.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope on msn.com - July 26, 2010

This is the Sagittarius daily horoscope from msn.com

Don't get thrown off your path, Sagittarius. Focus inward and concentrate on the tasks at hand. This may not be the most lighthearted and jovial day, but one must always take the good with the bad. Use the sober, grounding tone of today's energy to get down to business and stay there. Work now, play later! Remember the story about the ant and the grasshopper. Now is the time to store provisions for the future.


Sagittarius Daily Horoscope on yahoo.com - July 25, 2010

This is the Sagittarius daily horoscope from yahoo.com


People feel very relaxed around you today -- it's a great day to talk to strangers.


You're focused on your possessions today, which makes sense -- it's time for a shake-up! You may want to have a yard sale soon to clear space for incoming acquisitions. Have fun with it!

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope on msn.com - July 25, 2010

This is the Sagittarius daily horoscope from msn.com

You may have endless ideas streaming through your head but little patience to see any of them through to the end, Sagittarius. Perhaps you're so busy jumping from one thought to the next that you don't take any of them far enough to know whether or not they're worth pursuing. Write thoughts down as they come to you, and go over them later when your mind is in a quieter state.


Sagittarius Daily Horoscope on yahoo.com - July 24, 2010

This is the Sagittarius daily horoscope from yahoo.com


Values redefined are values improved. Do not let your opinions turn into dogma.


It's all about money right now -- and you're on the right track! You may find that you're better able to earn more, or to invest it in a way that feels right to you. Spend some time thinking your plan through.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope on msn.com - July 24, 2010

This is the Sagittarius daily horoscope from msn.com

It may feel as if something or someone is trying to keep you from moving ahead with your ambitious goals and aggressive nature, Sagittarius. At first you may resent this ball and chain attached to your ankle, but on closer examination, you'll see that this hindrance is actually a help. For now it's serving as an important reminder to slow down and do more thinking and planning before taking action.


Sagittarius Daily Horoscope on yahoo.com - July 23, 2010

This is the Sagittarius daily horoscope from yahoo.com


Use a more direct manner when talking to authority figures. Be assertive and frank.


Your mind turns today toward the aesthetic side of life -- music, art, theater and other creative pursuits. Make sure that your people are on your side as you find new ways to explore life.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope on msn.com - July 23, 2010

This is the Sagittarius daily horoscope from msn.com

Today your powers of persuasion are at an all-time high. This is a good day to ask for a raise or promote a new project. Your drive to gain recognition for your accomplishments may necessitate seeking the public eye, so if publicity is what you need, this is the day to go for it. Your observational skills are acute, as is your insight into others' feelings. This is definitely a good day to seek advancement.


Sagittarius Daily Horoscope on yahoo.com - July 22, 2010

This is the Sagittarius daily horoscope from yahoo.com


You have the ability to separate the good from the bad today -- use it sparingly.


Take a few minutes to appreciate how good you've got it -- your energy is just right, you're on the verge of something big and your capacity for happiness keeps increasing. Good times!

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope on msn.com - July 22, 2010

This is the Sagittarius daily horoscope from msn.com

In general, your spirit is upbeat, freedom loving, and adventurous, Sagittarius. Today, however, you might find that it's a bit more intense and possibly somber, especially when it comes to romantic issues. This approach to matters of the heart isn't exactly your normal style, but you're apt to find that it's appropriate for your situation now. Make sure you have the right tools for the job at hand.


Sagittarius Daily Horoscope on yahoo.com - July 21, 2010

This is the Sagittarius daily horoscope from yahoo.com


Someone with an original mind will disappoint you with their overused expression.


It may seem like nothing can spoil your great mood today -- so get out there and have a good time! You're the center of attention in the right way and leading the fun and games all night long.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope on msn.com - July 21, 2010

This is the Sagittarius daily horoscope from msn.com

Your sensual side is likely to show itself today, Sagittarius. You might find yourself viewing young folks in tight jeans more appreciatively than you usually do. Racy novels and movies might also suddenly seem appealing. Romantic encounters are intense and passionate, so make sure you allow plenty of time for them. Enjoy yourself!


Sagittarius Daily Horoscope on yahoo.com - July 20, 2010

This is the Sagittarius daily horoscope from yahoo.com


Things are getting very complicated. You may want to be alone to think this through.


You're not usually that retiring, but today, you've got too much on your mind to mix and mingle. If you're forced to hang out at a party or nightclub, you're at your best going one-on-one.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope on msn.com - July 20, 2010

This is the Sagittarius daily horoscope from msn.com

Some enlightening conversations could occur today with a partner, Sagittarius, possibly romantic, possibly career-related. New methods of operation could come to your attention, perhaps involving modern technology that could speed up the process and increase your income. Bear in mind that some of what you hear may not be feasible for a while. Other ideas may never be practicable. Remember to remain objective and check out the facts.


Sagittarius Daily Horoscope on yahoo.com - July 19, 2010

This is the Sagittarius daily horoscope from yahoo.com


You can see obvious problems easily, but today you'll see not-so-obvious ones, too.


You've got a better view of what's going on deep within you today -- though it may take up all your mental energy to figure it out. See if you can get your mate or best friend to help you.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope on msn.com - July 19, 2010

This is the Sagittarius daily horoscope from msn.com

Because your tendency recently has been to brood over everything, Sagittarius, a day like this can't be anything but beneficial. It has been difficult for you to find material satisfaction of late, but today offers you a view into the world of the intangible and unreal. You may find it especially gratifying to participate in an artistic or religious activity.


Sagittarius Daily Horoscope on yahoo.com - July 18, 2010

This is the Sagittarius daily horoscope from yahoo.com


Excessive ideas may be holding you back. Pare things down and go back to the basics.


You're having too much fun this morning to wonder why things are happening the way they are -- but later tonight, when things slow down, you may feel like pondering the big issues.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope on msn.com - July 18, 2010

This is the Sagittarius daily horoscope from msn.com

An appealing new face could appear on the scene today, Sagittarius. This might lead to a new friendship, although this person could be charming enough to bring out your insecurities. Put these aside - you're looking great. Since your efficiency is at an all-time high, plan on taking advantage of that by dealing with some errands you've been postponing for quite some time.


Sagittarius Daily Horoscope on yahoo.com - July 17, 2010

This is the Sagittarius daily horoscope from yahoo.com


Too much focus on details will give you the wrong idea. Tune into the big picture.


The big picture is your favorite work of art, and today you can gaze at it -- and maybe add your own touches -- as much as you like. It's a really good time for you to step up and affect the world.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope on msn.com - July 17, 2010

This is the Sagittarius daily horoscope from msn.com

A female friend you haven't seen for a while could surprise you with a call or visit. A lot of interesting news and useful information could be exchanged that benefits both of you. You may make a number of short journeys throughout the day, Sagittarius, as you have a lot that needs doing. A small increase in income could also be in the works. In the evening, rent a romantic video.


Sagittarius Daily Horoscope on yahoo.com - July 16, 2010

This is the Sagittarius daily horoscope from yahoo.com


Remember that wherever you go, the love of your friends goes with you.


Your associates -- at work, in the neighborhood or pretty much anywhere else -- are all looking to you for guidance, or at least directions to the party. Your fun-loving attitude is everything.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope on msn.com - July 16, 2010

This is the Sagittarius daily horoscope from msn.com

Recent developments have brought new interests into your life, Sagittarius. As a result, you might be seriously considering enrolling in a formal course of study involving these subjects. If you really want to do this, it's definitely the right time to start. Others in your community might want to do the same, so a get-together to discuss the subject might help. Books and magazines could also be useful.


Sagittarius Daily Horoscope on yahoo.com - July 15, 2010

This is the Sagittarius daily horoscope from yahoo.com


Even though they may drive you crazy, you love them. Embrace their wackiness.


Try hard not to lash out at those who irritate you today -- there are far too many to take on all at once! Seethe if you must, but understand that it's just a short phase that should be gone by tomorrow.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope on msn.com - July 15, 2010

This is the Sagittarius daily horoscope from msn.com

Suddenly you've found your energy again. Your engine is oiled up and ready to go, Sagittarius. Put yourself in high gear and don't let anything stand in your way. If disagreements with others arise, try to keep focused on the lessons that come from the situation instead of dwelling on the negative aspects. Take things to a higher level and don't be afraid to suggest radical change.


Sagittarius Daily Horoscope on yahoo.com - July 14, 2010

This is the Sagittarius daily horoscope from yahoo.com


You love them, but they can drive you nuts. Take time away from the relationship.


There's no substitute for thoroughness today -- as boring as that may be! You've got a lot of work that needs to be covered now, so make sure that you've got the time (and focus) to get it all done.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope on msn.com - July 14, 2010

This is the Sagittarius daily horoscope from msn.com

A good tactic for you today would be to convert your fears into motivation for positive action. There's a great deal of energy at your disposal, Sagittarius, so don't waste it. Be aware that this is one of those times in which the smallest comment or insult could set off a huge chain reaction of misinformation or battles. People are quite emotionally charged, so be careful where you step.


Sagittarius Daily Horoscope on yahoo.com - July 13, 2010

This is the Sagittarius daily horoscope from yahoo.com


Your luck is changing -- if it's been hot, expect some setbacks. If not, get ready!


Take that risk -- you may or may not succeed, but the odds are in your favor, and you're sure to feel regret if you don't at least try. Your fiery energy ensures a memorable time for all!

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope on msn.com - July 13, 2010

This is the Sagittarius daily horoscope from msn.com

Group events taking place at churches, meditation centers, and other places with a spiritual orientation could draw you near, Sagittarius. You might want to attend a service or program at one of them. Don't be surprised if some profound insights come to you that shed some light on a current situation you might be dealing with. Write them down or you might forget them later.


Sagittarius Daily Horoscope on yahoo.com - July 12, 2010

This is the Sagittarius daily horoscope from yahoo.com


Travel's on your mind -- when are you taking a vacation? Start planning one now.


A wild stroke of luck hits you just when you need it the most -- one you could never predict, so don't go buying stocks or lottery tickets. This could result in a big boost to your work or love life.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope on msn.com - July 12, 2010

This is the Sagittarius daily horoscope from msn.com

It's a terrific day for you, Sagittarius, one in which you'll find that your jovial approach to every situation is just what the doctor ordered. Spend time with children and enjoy their magical world. Spread your love and affection to the people around you. Make sure that the corners of people's mouths are turning up instead of down. A friendly attitude will take you far.


Sagittarius Daily Horoscope on yahoo.com - July 8, 2010

This is the Sagittarius daily horoscope from yahoo.com


Remember, you can lead a friend to a conversation, but you can't make them go deep.


Your interactions with others may be trickier than usual today, so see if you can avoid strife by only engaging with those you already know are on your side. Things ought to calm down soon.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope on msn.com - July 8, 2010

This is the Sagittarius daily horoscope from msn.com

When faced with ten entrees on the menu, it might be hard for you to choose just one. Feel free to order two or more, Sagittarius. Don't let indecisiveness slow you down. At the same time, don't view it as something negative. The key for today is to go with the flow. Expand your dreams as far and wide as you wish. Have fun as long as you're willing to take full responsibility for your actions.